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Learn to effectively use Stress Management tools, Self-Hypnosis & Guided Self-Massage Therapy to accomplish your personal, relationship, spiritual & professional intentions.

Virtual Sessions
(Phone or Zoom)

As effective as in person sessions, with the added comforts of your chosen space.



With the help of Hypnosis & Stress Management Consulting 
Awaken your innate abilities to: 


Explore & Discover the


Spiritual aspects of


life & of yourself



Change Habits


Control Weight



Soothe & Dissipate discomforts


Relieve stress & worry




Forgive & Accept



Gain Confidence 


Experience Freedom from sexual dysfunction


Overcome Fears & Phobias


Retrieve & or Gain


wisdom, talents & abilities   


from your experiences & observations.


Free yourself of the negative

affects from past events.


Improve Sleep

Stop or Reduce Smoking


Increase or switch Motivations

Improve your health



Get out of your own way

  Much More…

A brief Free consultation is required before your first paid session. Book this before or in conjunction with your initial session, at least 24hrs before. Please indicate...
Free consultation
20 min

A Free Phone Consultation is required before your first session with me. 



Call or Text to check availability & to schedule your next appointments. When requesting  appointments, please include your preferred dates & times

& please share how

you found me. 


Your session rate starts at $144/hour. I offer you a sliding scale. In the absence of financial difficulties I charge between $125-145/hour. Clients paying a higher rate can rest assured because they are helping support the ability to offer a discounted rate when needed. I work with you in your financial comfort zone whenever possible.


Massage Therapy


I have 23 years experience & each session is customized for you.

Swedish & Orthopedic Massage, Deep Tissue, Energy Work, SomatoEmotional Release & CranioSacral Therapy

.Schedule in person & online sessions


an online guided self massage session with me on Zoom is similar to following along with a yoga instructor. I teach you how to mindfully relieve your own discomforts with self massage, stretching, strengthening & introspection.


Your body talks! Learn how to listen

to your body talk, give yourself the gift

of self awareness & the power

to change the

way you feel




For Zoom sessions, all you need is a computer, laptop, tablet or a smartphone, a solid internet connection, headphones with a long cord ( if for guided self-massage) or wireless. You'll need  space to relax into and

for guided self-massage, a space where you can be comfortable & where you can

move around some (like with yoga).

Stephanie Carper-Smith is a certified Massage Therapist, certified Professional Hypnotist & certified Stress management consultant AND is NOT a Psychotherapist, Psychologist, or a Medical Doctor and does NOT diagnose or treat any physical or mental disorders. Some issues require a Medical and/or Psychological referral in-order to proceed

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